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The Radon concentration detection project in the soil of the Miaodigou Museum in Sanmenxia is planned to use a single source procurement method for public comment

The Radon concentration detection project in the soil of the Miaodigou Museum in Sanmenxia is planned to use a single source procurement method for public comment

Yingbin Avenue-Xinghe Paradise-Shaanzhou Park-Swan Lake Scenic Area-Melon Fruit Picking Base-Canglong East Road-Shaanzhou Avenue-Gaoyangshan Hot Spring Hotel-Hot Spring Water Entertainment Center-Shaanyuan Road ——Shaanzhou Dikengyuan

1. Name of the purchased project

Sanmenxia Miaodigou Museum Project Radon Concentration Detection Project

Second, the project amount

The budget of the project is 29400 yuan (the number of radon concentration detection points in the soil of the Miaodigou Museum Project is 147, 200 yuan/each )

3. Name and address of the supplier to be transacted

Name: Sanmenxia Yujian Engineering Inspection Co., Ltd.

Address: Shop 1, South District , Huijing New City, Daling South Road, Sanmenxia

4. Basic information of the goods or services to be provided

The Miaodigou Museum Project is located in the Miaodigou Cultural Tourism Industrial Park. The project is located on the north bank of Hanzhuang Village, Yadi Township, Sanmenxia City, on the south bank of the Qinglongjian River, and on the second platform on the east bank of the Yellow River This project requires the detection of radon concentration in the soil of the Miaodigou Museum in Sanmenxia.

5. Reasons for single source and related explanations

According to the " GB50325-2010 (2013 Edition) Code for Indoor Environmental Pollution Control of Civil Building Engineering" , in order to prevent and control indoor environmental pollution in civil building engineering, protect public health, and maintain public interests, the Sanmenxia Miaodigou Museum Project The detection of radon concentration in the soil is due to the tight schedule, heavy tasks, and high requirements of the project. Sanmenxia Yujian Engineering Testing Co., Ltd. is the only institution in Sanmenxia City that has the qualification for indoor quality and environmental testing (the state-owned subsidiary of the Municipal SASAC). Enterprise), referring to relevant laws and procedures, this project intends to adopt a single source procurement method.

6. Other content that needs to be publicized

If the relevant units and parties have objections to the proposed single-source procurement method and its reasons and related explanations, they may submit to Sanmenxia Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. in writing within five working days from the date of issuance of this announcement Opinion (must bring a copy of the business license of the legal person of the unit, the ID card of the agent, the power of attorney of the legal person, written opinions and supporting materials).

Seven , the publicity period

2020 Yue 24- to 2020 Yue 28 Ri

8. Time limit for objection feedback

2020 Yue 24- to 2020 Yue 28 Ri

Nine , contact information

Purchaser: Sanmenxia Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd.

Address: Middle Section of Weishan Road, Sanmenxia

Contact: Ms. Zhao

Contact: 0398-82825077

Ticket information

Scenic Opening Hours
From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m
0398-2825177 In order to save your time, it is recommended that you buy tickets online one day in advance!
Free people
Free for children under 1.4m, elderly over 70 years old, military personnel, journalists, tour guides and holders of valid certificates.
Preferential policies
Senior citizens between the ages of 60 and 69, students with student CARDS and disabled people with disability CARDS can buy half-price tickets.
In the peak season, if the mountain section is congested, it is recommended that you take the peak-forest ropeway to directly reach the core scenic area in order to avoid the traffic flow. Meanwhile, when you are climbing, please pay attention to the signs on the road and follow the correct way up and down the mountain.
For help
Swan Lake scenic spot tourism advisory hotline:0398-2825177,If you have any questions during the trip, please call me. At the same time, you can also leave a message in the official WeChat, we will quickly solve your problem.
To keep warm
Due to the large temperature difference on the top of the mountain, it is recommended that you prepare a coat in advance to keep warm.
Warm prompt
1、The temperature difference between morning and night is big, please take enough clothes, rain gear, etc
2、Please arrange the tour time, route and so on reasonably, do early morning, avoid waiting in line

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